Keynect brings a sense of reassurance and comfort to those in long distance relationships.
Many people live far from their loved ones. Our team explored ways design could support these relationships better. With Keynect, placing your keys down will notify others that you are home safe.
Hannah Levang, Ian Van de Kamp, Michael Owyang
Research, Ideation, Storyboard, Prototype, App
> Design Process
> 2019 (10 weeks)
- Interviews with four types of long distance relationships.
- Personal inventory with participants.
- Directed storytelling with participants.
- Google survey to collect info on methods and frequency of communication in long distance relationships.
- People find joy and comfort in sharing small moments with each other.
- Synchronous forms of communication allow for more valuable conversations, as opposed to asynchronous forms.
- While we may not be able to fully replicate the experience of being physically together, we can mitigate some of the challenges that they face from being apart.
- Permanent: To create a feel of personal attachment so that it’s used consistently.
- Reassuring: Bring comfort and security. It should mimic certain qualities of being together.
- Fun: It should not feel like a burden to use.